Monday, November 3, 2008 on November 3, 2008: Compassionate Capitalism

Someone recently made a comment on my blog post dicussing why Obama is not a socialist on here is the comment from Torgny:

"This has nothing to to with socialism, it is the old message of fear. Is every group where you share property socialism? If this was so most monasteries would be socialist. According to the Bible the early Christians shared their property. Were they socailists?

The message of hope, or the message of fear."

Here is my response:

"Great point Torgny. Which brings me to this puzzling question that I have never understood-why is it that so many of my Christian brethren identify with the Republican party?

Like you said, the Bible is very clear with respect to charity and giving. Also, to piggy back again off of your comment-my wife is from Kenya and they are probably far more capitalist than we are-there are no social programs there and the market is the main determinant in who gets what. However, the Kenyan society is amazing, with respect to how they pull together and help each other at the neighborhood and family level.

I have with my own eyes seen communities in one day raise nearly 20,000, 50,000, and even 100,000.00 in US dollars for a cause or member of the community that they support. This shows, as you said that you can be both compassionate and capitalist at the same time.

Great point!"

I decided to post this dialog because it is one that I feel is not publicized enough-that capitalism and helping can go hand in hand.

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