Saturday, November 8, 2008

God's Politics: On President-Elect Barack Obama

I found this post on a Christian blog a few moments ago that helps to confirm a belief that I had , which is that although in the past the GOP & Evangelical communities in America have enjoyed a relatively long but albeit at times rocky marriage a new is coming when others will do as I have done and re-evaluate whether this is God's mandate or whether it was simply our own.

What President-Elect Obama represents to me is the charitable side of God's love that cares for the least of these...Additionally, although from a biblical perspective I do not feel that abortion is what Jesus wants us to do in difficult situations it is clear to me that He is a God who loves us enough to give us the freedom to choose what to do in our lives. Moreover, providing the resources, education, and assistance to mothers in tough situations in such a way as to reduce the occurence of abortion is something that exhibits love and common ground.

Anyhow here is an excerpt from the post God's Politics: A Blog by Jim Wallis & Friends

"Dear President-elect Obama,

First, congratulations on your election as our 44th president. I hope you know that there are tens of millions of Americans who did not vote for you who are still very, very pleased that an African American has been elected President of the United States.

That fact that this could happen in a country with as tragic a racial past as America’s says something noble and fine about the American experiment. We as a nation have chosen together to live up to the promises of our founding document, the Declaration of Independence: “We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal.”

We covenant to pray for you, your family, and your administration. We will pray that God will grant you godly wisdom in all your decision-making.

Mr. President-elect, Southern Baptists remain unalterably committed to the protection of unborn human life. The vast majority of Southern Baptists believe that a pre-born baby is a distinct human life, according to both science and the Bible.

You have said you want to unite us as a nation. An excellent place to work for such unity would be for you to put your full support behind the Democrats for Life initiative known as the Pregnant Women Support Act (its goal is to reduce abortion by 95 percent over a 10-year period).

This bill would:

• Establish a toll-free number to direct women to places that will provide support during and following their pregnancy.

• Provide child care to low-income and student parents.

• Provide parenting education in maternity group homes.

• Make the Adoption Tax Credits permanent..."

This to me was an eye opening post and again I think that it signals some major ideological changes that are taking place right now. Please stay tuned for more to come.

Friday, November 7, 2008

Now that we have done it in this Historic Election

Ok, now that we have done it in this historic election and have elected President-Elect Barrack Obama I have been asking myself what to do with this blog.

My periodic perusal of neo conservative media tells me that this thing is only just beginning.  
Now is the time when they are beginning to step up their scruitinization of every single move that President-Elect Obama makes and every move and word uttered by those closest to him. For this reason, I have decided to continue this blog-Benin for Obama.  To act as a counter balancing platform for Obama.
Will will see how this goes.  "Yes We Can"!

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Yes We Did!!!!! Obama Elected President of the United States

Senator Obama has just reached the magic 270 mark! It was a long and tough road, but we have finally done it. President Obama is the new President of the US.

Democrats start picking up House seats -

Democrats start picking up House seats - "Democrats, trying to pad the 36-seat U.S. House majority they had going into Election Day, appear to have knocked off at least two Republican incumbents, early returns show.

Democrat Jim Himes has defeated longtime Rep. Christopher Shays of Connecticut, and Democrat Suzanne Kosmas has beaten Rep. Tom Fenney of Florida, CNN has projected.

Heading into Tuesday, many analysts said the question for House Democrats was not whether they would add to their 235-199 majority, but by how much.

Races for 52 Republican-held seats were at least slightly competitive for Democrats two days before the election, whereas only 12 Democrat-occupied seats appeared to be so for the GOP, according to the nonpartisan Rothenberg Political Report.

The Democrats, whose net gain of 30 seats in the 2006 elections gave them control of the House after 12 years in the minority, could pad their majority by an additional 27 to 33 seats this year, according to the RPR, citing polling and other factors.

As of 10 p.m. ET, CNN projected Democrats won 125 seats of the House's 435 seats, with Republicans winning 78."

DAILY NATION - Victory prayer at Obama's ancestral home

DAILY NATION - Victory prayer at Obama's ancestral home: "Kenyans in Barack Obama's ancestral homeland prayed for victory on Tuesday as he aimed to become the first African-American president of the United States.

The western town of Kisumu, on the shores of Lake Victoria, was in a frenzy of excitement as the country's favourite adopted son began the last leg of his race for the White House.

The Democratic candidate's late father hailed from the rural region, and exuberant Kenyans gave his Republican war hero rival John McCain little hope of making a comeback after lagging for weeks in the opinion polls."

RealClearPolitics - Politics - Nov 04, 2008 - Obama seizes command of race for the White House

RealClearPolitics - Politics - Nov 04, 2008 - Obama seizes command of race for the White House: "Barack Obama has seized command of the race for the White House.

The Illinois senator has beaten John McCain in Ohio and is building a near insurmountable Electoral College advantage as he bids to become the first black president.

Fellow Democrats are gaining strength in both houses of Congress.

Obama's Ohio victory denied McCain particularly precious territory. No Republican has ever won the presidency without the state."

US 2008 Elections: Waiting on Florida, Virginia, and North Carolina

Waiting on voting results from Florida, Virginia, and North Carolina is like the suspense of the year. So to pass time and to help turn the USA Obama blue I am simultaneously calling Nevada as we speak...

November 4, 2008 America Votes: Obama Wins Pennsylvania and Ohio

CNN and MSNBC have both just called Pennsylvania and Ohio for Obama.

Democrats head for bigger House majority - Decision ’08 – House-

Democrats head for bigger House majority - Decision ’08 – House- "Democrats pushed toward ousting two Florida Republicans from the House on Tuesday and defended first-term incumbents once considered vulnerable as they hoped heavy voters turnouts at a time of economic anxiety might add more than 20 seats to their majority.

“It’s the night we have been waiting for,” said House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif."

Obama-Biden 08'

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Wrapping up with canvass

As we wrap up our canvass we found that the overwhelming number of addresses had voters that already voted for Obama.
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Canvassing for Change!

We are now canvassing for change in residential communities!
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At an Obama phone bank

I am presently sitting in an Obama phone bank in Marietta, Ga and the energy is amazing!
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Carson, California-America Votes 2008-Live from the Field

Voting line in Carson, California on election day Tuesday November 4, 2008 at approx. 10 am Pacific Time. Yes We Can!
Hat tip to Amber for the photo!

The role of Social Media and Web 2.0 in the 2008 Elections

In the 21 months since Senator Barrack Obama has been campaigning to become the next US President,much has been said about his campaigns web prowess. In the beginning his campaigns seamless combination of grassroots methods and internet tools got a lot of comparisons to current DNC Chairman Howard Dean, who ran for US President in 2004.

But I think that one of the things that has changed since then is the fluid merger that occurs on a daily basis between web 2.0 tools and the ordinary daily communication rituals of so many Americans and folks around the globe. I mean, it used to be that if you witnessed a newsworthy event, the next thing you did was get on the phone to try to contact someone from the local media to see if they were interested in doing a story. From there you went to your friends to drum up some buzz with them, as they passed the story around. And if you were really lucky the reporter that you contacted would have gotten back to you to do a story and after the story was run it promptly dropped off of the radar. But more than likely the final stop for your story was your friends. Do you remember those days? It was not so long ago and in fact, in 2004 when Howard Dean ran for President things were just beginning to shift from this old paradigm.

But today the ordinary passer by has more access to worldwide communication channels than ever before through tools like: Twitter, Facebook, Youtube, Shozu, Now Public, and the list just keeps growing by the day. If you happen to capture on your cell phone either a photo, a video, or even just a short eyewiteness account of a newsworthy event and use any of the Web 2.0 channels that I just mentioned your message can instantly be seen or heard by millions within a few minutes or hours. This is what not only Senator Obama has been tapping into, but even the voters ourselves are doing it too.

So this piece is actually about an email that I received today that pointed to an article written by Simon Owens referencing several Web 2.0 citizens media/social media tools that are already in heavy use in this election-as we speak. In Simon's PBS Media Shift article entitled, "Citizens, Media Use Social Media to Monitor Election" he mentions several tools that you can use from the field to let the world know (in realtime) about your experiences at the polls. Here are the one's that Simon mentions:

Additionally, Simon also spoke with the creator of the Voter Suppression Wiki-Mr. Baratunde Thurston who is also Co-Founder of Jack and Jill Politics. Here is an excerpt that goes into more detail:

"Though many of these tools will be utilized in locating instances of election problems, Voter Suppression Wiki was created almost exclusively for that purpose. Baratunde Thurston, co-founder of the blog Jack and Jill Politics, came up with the idea after brainstorming with a number of bloggers and activists. (Another wiki, Election Protection, employs similar tools). Using the Wetpaint platform, Thurston hopes to tackle voter suppression in three parts.

"One is to define what voter suppression is," he said. "Whether it's false information, voter ID intimidation, allegations of fraud. And then we want to start tracking and reporting incidents of voter suppression; we have this form we put up where you enter where this happened, how many voters were affected, in what county did it occur. But most importantly was action. How to actually prevent or limit the amount of suppression."

Most of the battle in fighting voter suppression, Thurston argued, is empowering the voter before he or she heads to the polls. To that effect he's using the website to help promote a number of election protection phone numbers and resources. Thurston said that he hopes that the wiki can be used in real time; analyzing the data after the election can be useful in record keeping, but without quick and efficient action it will do little to protect the integrity of the election.

I asked Thurston about the nature of these election tools and whether they represent a new step in the utilization of online media in politics. In an election year when Barack Obama has been labeled by some to potentially be the "first Internet president" (much in the same way that FDR was the first radio president, and JFK was the first television president), have citizens created a new level of interactive politics?

"The long answer is that this effort, this project -- the Twitter project, the video project, and more -- are a kind of a next step in the evolution of online political participation," he replied. "Initially what you'd see on the web is a lot of opinion. 'I have a thought, I have an idea.' 'I disagree strongly with this policy.' Then you saw Howard Dean tap into donations, and now with Obama tapping into that as well -- the concept of the web as being a kind of ATM machine. But what we see now is collaboration and constructive confrontation."

I hope that you find this information useful. Oh...I just got some more info from Simon, here is another really handy election tool- aggregates tweets like Twitter Vote Report, but it creates a more abstract visualization of the aggregate conversation on Twitter showing frequency and context of election-related words.

Otherwise, my message to you is simple-please get out and vote or help someone to do it. And please also remember that if you see something fishy today, while out voting-do not just be silent about it. Please use one of the tools in this article to let people know about it. Thank you!

Paid GOP Workers Say They Misled Wisconsin Voters

Paid GOP Workers Say They Misled Wisconsin Voters: "Four employees hired by a temporary staffing agency to encourage absentee voting for Sen. John McCain in Wisconsin say they were instructed to tell people they were Republican volunteers.

The employees told The Associated Press in interviews on Monday they were hired by Allstaff Labor Group to go door-to-door in the Milwaukee suburbs locating McCain supporters and distributing absentee ballot request forms.

Allstaff recruited the workers under a contract with a consulting firm hired by the Republican Party of Wisconsin to run its absentee ballot program."

Media Matters - Wash. Times reported on Obama's "association" with Khalidi, but not McCain's

Media Matters - Wash. Times reported on Obama's "association" with Khalidi, but not McCain's: "Wash. Times reported on Obama's 'association' with Khalidi, but not McCain's

Summary: A Washington Times article stated that Sen. John McCain 'drew fresh attention this week to Mr. [Barack] Obama's friendship with Rashid Khalidi' regarding 'a 2003 party in Chicago honoring Mr. Khalidi where Mr. Obama gives a speech.' But it did not note McCain's own reported 'connection to Khalidi': His role as chairman of an organization that awarded a $448,873 grant to an organization Khalidi co-founded."

Voters in Dixville Notch favor Obama over MacCain_English_Xinhua

Voters in Dixville Notch favor Obama over MacCain_English_Xinhua: "Voters in Dixville Notch favored Barack Obama over his Republican rival, John McCain, 15 to 6.
·Dixville Notch, in northern New Hampshire, has been casting the first ballots since 1960.
·The town's 21 registered voters came out in cold weather to cast the nation's first votes."

Of course, I love your comments. But, if you can't comment at this particular time- but would like to let us know that you were here; please sign and View my guestbook

Monday, November 3, 2008

November 4, 2008 US Presidential Election: Final Polls

Here are the latest and final presidential tracking numbers for three of the most objective and most often quoted polls going into the 2008 US Presidential Elections, among likely voters. 

Gallup's final poll:

Obama 53%, Mccain 42%

Zogby's latest poll:

Obama 51%, McCain 44%

John Zogby:

"Barack Obama is where he needs to be and John McCain is not. In a multi-candidate race, assuming the minor candidates can win around 2%, 51% can win. Obama holds the groups that he needs and continues to hold a big lead among independents and his base. McCain seems to be holding his base without expanding it or moving into Obama's territory."

The new Washington Post-ABC News poll:

Obama 53%, Mccain 44%

Condolences to Senator Obama and family

My prayers go out to Senator Obama, who lost his grandmother today. I am sure that Mrs Dunham will smile on from Heaven tomorrow.
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November 3, 2008: US Election-America Votes

During my spare time I made 20 calls for Senator Obama.  It was quite a simple and pleasant process...
And I also wrote this letter to several news editors in Nevada.
"The last time that the US has seen an economic meltdown like the one that we are experiencing now was in the 1930's.  The president who came along with a plan to solve problems that led to the great depression was President Franklin Rooselvelt.  With his New Deal for America, which included Social Security, FDIC, among others he was able to put in place tools to stop the economy from dropping further. 

Although we are not yet at that stage of several recessionary quarters stacked on top of each other, with the connectedness of world economies we find ourselves in a very tight pinch.  Simply waiting for the invisible hand of the open economy to make the corrections is not an answer that exudes responsibility.  Yet, Senator Mccain has yet to address the harsh realities of today's economic struggles.  He would rather make personal attacks on Senator Obama instead.  Contrast this with Senator Obama who has outlined a multi pronged approach to solving the economic crises that focuses on rebuilding of infrastructure, investing in alternative energy, and providing incentives to companies that invest domestically and you can begin to see why I think that Obama is today's FDR.

This is why my vote is with Senator Obama."
Come on, Obama supporters-Yes We Can! on November 3, 2008: Compassionate Capitalism

Someone recently made a comment on my blog post dicussing why Obama is not a socialist on here is the comment from Torgny:

"This has nothing to to with socialism, it is the old message of fear. Is every group where you share property socialism? If this was so most monasteries would be socialist. According to the Bible the early Christians shared their property. Were they socailists?

The message of hope, or the message of fear."

Here is my response:

"Great point Torgny. Which brings me to this puzzling question that I have never understood-why is it that so many of my Christian brethren identify with the Republican party?

Like you said, the Bible is very clear with respect to charity and giving. Also, to piggy back again off of your comment-my wife is from Kenya and they are probably far more capitalist than we are-there are no social programs there and the market is the main determinant in who gets what. However, the Kenyan society is amazing, with respect to how they pull together and help each other at the neighborhood and family level.

I have with my own eyes seen communities in one day raise nearly 20,000, 50,000, and even 100,000.00 in US dollars for a cause or member of the community that they support. This shows, as you said that you can be both compassionate and capitalist at the same time.

Great point!"

I decided to post this dialog because it is one that I feel is not publicized enough-that capitalism and helping can go hand in hand.

November 3, 2008 Battleground States: Let's Get the Vote Out for Obama

Hi folks, to echoe Obama at yesterday's rally in Ohio-the election is not over. Although the CNN national poll of polls today shows Obama with a 7 point lead, there are some places where the race is extremely competitive. As we speak, Mccain is robo calling these states with very nasty smears. These states where Obama needs our help, according to the November 3, 2008 Real Clear Politics poll are Missori, North Carolina, Florida, and Colorado.


Obama 50.5% Mccain 45.0% Spread-Obama 5.5%


Obama 48.5% Mccain 46.0% Spread-Obama by 2.5%

North Carolina

Obama 47.8 Mccain 47.8 Spread-Tie


Mccain 48.0 Obama 47.3 Spread-Mccain by 0.7

poll data by Real Clear Politics-November 3, 2008

Here's what can be done between now and tomorrow night to get these numbers in our favor:

  1. Use the phone banking tool to call voters in these states-you don't need to be a US citizen.
  2. Fundraising-even if its only $5.00, please go to, if you are a US citizen and donate.
  3. Canvass for voters-again, you can learn about canvassing opportunities through the website-you don't need to be a US citizen to do this one either.
  4. Share your story through your blog.
  5. Spread the word to everyone that you meet-through emails, one on one conversations, phone conversations and etc.
I think that if each one of us does at least two of these things, faithfully, until the last polls close tomorrow that we will have victory. If we don't though, it will probably be a very long night...

November 3, 2008: CNN Poll Finds Palin Costing Mccain the Election

From CNN:

"A CNN/Opinion Research Corporation survey released Sunday indicates McCain's running mate is growing less popular among voters and may be costing him a few crucial percentage points in the race for the White House.

Fifty-seven percent of likely voters questioned in the poll said Palin does not have the personal qualities a president should have. That's up 8 points since September.

Fifty-three percent say she does not agree with them on important issues. That's also higher than September."

This is huge considering the euphoria surrounding Plain after the RNC. I think that the other contributing factor is Palin's attempt to steal the show from Mccain. It has been said that at her rally in Florida she did not even have any Mccain signs up...

Sunday, November 2, 2008

Fox News Diaries | Air America Radio

Fox News Diaries | Air America Radio: "here are a couple of similar questions for John McCain: 'Mussolini defined fascism as the merger of corporations and the state. When you began your campaign with over 100 corporate lobbyists on your staff, including the top lobbyist for Fannie May in the top position, why didn’t you tell the American people that you intend to turn this country into a fascist state?'"

Daily Kos Link to Is Obama a Socialist

Here is the link to the piece on the Daily Kos, entitled-"Is Obama a Socialist?"

Stay tuned for my post entitled, "Is Obama a Socialist?"

Hi please stay tuned for my post entitled, "Is Obama a Socialist?". I will first put it on the Daily Kos and afterwards, we might re-visit the topic here on Benin4Obama.


US 2008 Elections: My Suspicions...

My suspicion of what is happening right now is this...

The GOP is so extremely desperate. And in this desperation they seem to have mapped out a strategy for victory. I believe that it is quite diabolical and far reaching. Here is what I think is happening:

  1. The GOP and media outlets that are sympathetic to the GOP are trying to make the US populace believe that this is a tight race.
  2. These powerful people in high places have quieted the damaging stories to hit Mccain-like the possible automobile accident fatality that Mccain was allegedly involved in that took place in 1964.
  3. They are also downplaying the affect of Obama's organization, ground game, and money in traditionally red-leaning states.
  4. Meanwhile, they are turning up the volume on stories mysteriously timed to have the most impact near election day against Senator Obama, like Obama's aunt.
  5. All the while Obama's numbers are still holding steady and even building further.
  6. The GOP would have you to believe that ACORN and the Democrats are trying to tamper with democracy. All the while, stories continue to crop up of voting machine malfunctions-all in favor of Mccain!
  7. If it turns out to be close-they might try to steal it. If it becomes a run away victory for Obama, then prepare to hear cries of foul coming from the Mccain camp...
Either way-1. Get out and vote, go volunteer, make calls, and donate!

If you see anything foul taking place at the polls then here are some resources:

Courtesy of the Voter Suppression Wiki

Ways that you can get involved in helping safeguard our voting rights this election

  • CREDO Action's Immediate Response Network: a text-activist response network to deliver a text message straight to your phone
  • Election Protection (1-866-OUR-VOTE/1-888-VE-Y-VOTA): if you are an attorney, law student, or paralegal, we need your help to protect the right to vote. We're recruiting legal volunteers to staff Election Protection Hotlines across the country and work on the ground as mobile legal volunteers.
  • Pollworkers for Democracy: an effort to recruit, train, and network citizen pollworkers for the November 4, 2008 election and beyond. 12,507 and counting!
  • SourceWatch's Election Protection wiki: a non-partisan, non-profit collaboration of citizens, activists and researchers to build a one-stop-shop for reports of voter suppression and the systemic threats to election integrity
  • Voter Suppression Wiki: learn, report, ACT!

Citizen journalism, election documentation and monitoring:
  • Twitter Vote Report: share your voting experiences and help get problems fixed in real-time on or before Election Day
  • Video the Vote: national initiative to protect voting rights by monitoring the electoral process. We organize citizen journalists—ordinary folks like you and me—to document election problems as they occur
  • The UpTake: a non-partisan video citizen-journalism site, partnered with Video the Vote. Our Vote Chasers project encourages volunteers to use video camera phones (iPhone, Nokia N95, etc.) to document election abuses and stream footage live to the web in realtime.
  • YouTube's Video Your Vote: a non-partisan program produced in partnership with PBS, encourages American voters to document their experiences at the polls on Election Day, and is also a one-stop-shop to view exclusive videos from voter registration experts, election reform activists, and state officials, as well as video footage from the PBS archives for a historical look at voting through the years.
  • VoterStory '08: collect and classify voter complaints in real time across the Internet and provide a data feed of complaints that can be addressed in real time by Voter Protection groups who partner with VoterStory; a nice embeddable widget to put on a web site.
  • Wired's Problem Reporting page: Had a problem casting your ballot in this year's general election? We want to hear from you. has created a map to track your issues, but we need your help to complete it. Web- and email-access.
  • No Voter Left, because an election is a terrible thing to steal. Use their one-point Theft Reporting System or volunteer to help.
  • The New York Times Polling Place Photo Project: a nationwide experiment in citizen journalism that encourages voters to capture, post and share photographs of this general election.
  • My Fair Election: Report your polling station's condition on Election Day as part of a crowd-sourced map of electoral conditions across the United States.
  • Community Values Vote: Election news from grassroots organizations
  • CNN Voter Irregularities Map: calls from the CNN Voter Hotline (1-877-GOCNN-08)


'I went back to check it, it had not recorded my presidential vote!' Says Terrified, Potentially Disenfranchised Queen of Television...
NOW UPDATED With Much More Useful Info for Oprah and Others Who Do Not Understand These Voting Systems, or What to do If the Same Thing Happens To You..."

US Elections 2008: Beware of racheted up smears on Monday

Beware of racheted up smears on Monday on the TV and news. If you are bothered by this turn off the TV and instead go out to volunteer for Obama, donate, and make phone calls.

If you prefer to watch anyway then do like me and say for each smear I will make 5 phone calls to undecided voters.

Have a good evening.
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Barack Obama and Joe Biden: The Change We Need | Obama HQ Blogger: Morning News

Barack Obama and Joe Biden: The Change We Need | Obama HQ Blogger: Morning News: "More than 100 Obama supporters have cut through Saturday’s thick fog to await last-minute instructions at campaign headquarters in midtown Kansas City.

Some have coffee and donuts before starting phone calls or marching through neighborhoods, looking for votes.

“This is kind of our rehearsal for Tuesday,” said volunteer Jackie Gafford. “Everybody knows what they need to do.”

“I might not have done this in Kansas, with all their early voting,” said volunteer Caroline McKnight, who will be making phone calls for Obama. “But they’re really excited in Missouri to get out on Election Day.”

...Obama has the biggest political ground effort in Missouri’s history."

TPM Election Central | Talking Points Memo | Right Wing's Favorite Pollster Says McCain Is Likely To Lose

TPM Election Central | Talking Points Memo | Right Wing's Favorite Pollster Says McCain Is Likely To Lose: "Right Wing's Favorite Pollster Says McCain Is Likely To Lose
By Greg Sargent - November 2, 2008, 11:11AM

Uh oh -- McCain may have lost John Zogby.

Today's Zogby tracking poll finds Obama ahead by six points nationally among likely voters, prompting Zogby to offer a bleak assessment of McCain's chances"

The Daily Dish | By Andrew Sullivan (November 02, 2008) - A Republican Pollster Speaks

The Daily Dish | By Andrew Sullivan (November 02, 2008) - A Republican Pollster Speaks: "A Republican Pollster Speaks

'I cannot foresee a scenario that John McCain is elected president of the United States,' - Frank Luntz, on the BBC today"

Why Independents Choose Obama

From Joseph Nye/Huffington Post: "For any independents wavering on the eve of the election, I thought I would explain why I will vote for Barack Obama. I did not start there. I supported Hillary Clinton because I knew and admired her, and because I was concerned about Obama's lack of experience at the national level.But two things happened that made me change my mind even before the end of the primaries.

One was that I finished a book on leadership, The Powers to Lead. In it, I describe three key soft power skills -- emotional intelligence, vision, and communications -- as well as the hard power skills of organizational and Machiavellian political capacity. Equally important is the contextual intelligence to know how to vary the mix of these skills to produce smart power strategies. Completing this theoretical framework intersected with the progress of the Obama campaign in which he demonstrated that he had all of them.John McCain, an admirable man, has some key skills, but Obama greatly outscores him.

McCain's temper, the disorganization of his campaign, and his erratic choices regarding the vice presidency and the financial crisis, compare unfavorably with Obama's calm response to crises, his forward-looking vision, and his superb organizational skills.

In addition, Obama's contextual intelligence about world politics has been shaped from the bottom up with experience in Indonesia and Kenya.As the center-right London Economist recently pointed out in its endorsement of Obama, his election will do much to restore America's reputation around the world. Every election in a democracy is in part a gamble. (After all, in 1964 Lyndon Johnson was the peace candidate, and in 2000, George W. Bush promised compassionate conservatism and a "humble foreign policy." )

But as the Economist concluded, Obama has campaigned with more style, intelligence and discipline than his opponent....He deserves the presidency." I agree."
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From ABC Polls 11/2/2008

From ABC:

"ABC's This Week:Mark Halperin, Time Magazine:Electoral Vote -- 349 ObamaSenate -- 59 Democratic seatsHouse -- Democrats net 28 House seats
Matthew Dowd, former Republican strategist:Electoral Vote -- 338 plus ObamaSenate -- 8 plus pick up for DemocratsHouse -- 17 plus pickup for Democrats George Will,

ABC News contributor:Electoral Vote -- 378 ObamaSenate -- 8 pickups for the DemocratsHouse -- 21 pickups for the Democrats

Donna Brazile, former Democratic strategist:Electoral Vote -- Obama 343Senate - Democrats 59 plus runoffHouse - Democrats pickup 29

George Stephanopoulos:Electoral Vote -- 353 ObamaSenate -- 58, or 59 if there's a run-off in Georgia.House -- 264 House Democrats (+28)"
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Mccain in trouble

McCain's Travel Schedule Shows Desperate Situation


New Obama Ad-Starring Dick Cheney as John Mccain

In this new ad, Dick Cheney is starring as John Mccain-congrats for the endorsement Mccain!
Video Link

National Presidential Poll November 2, 2008: Let's get out the vote!

Latest Polls-Let's get out the vote.  This one is close but not close.  If we do what we need to do and continue top volunteer, dontate, and get out the vote it will be a big victory for Hope and Change, if not Tuesday could bring about a long night.
From :

Saturday, November 1, 2008

Americans Predict an Obama Victory

Americans Predict an Obama Victory: "Regardless of which candidate they personally support, 7 out of 10 Americans (71%) think Barack Obama will win the U.S. presidential election."

Blacks Appear Poised for High Turnout

Blacks Appear Poised for High Turnout: "Black voters are scoring highly this election season on several election interest and voting measures, and thus constitute a higher percentage of Gallup's projected likely voter pool than in previous elections. Additionally, blacks report having received election-related contact from the Obama campaign at a higher rate than do whites, although many fewer blacks have been contacted by the McCain campaign."

Gallup Daily: Obama 52%, McCain 42% Among Likely Voters

Gallup Daily: Obama 52%, McCain 42% Among Likely Voters: "Barack Obama leads John McCain in Gallup Poll Daily tracking interviewing conducted Wednesday through Friday by an identical 52% to 42% margin among both traditional likely voters and expanded likely voters. Obama leads by a similar 52% to 41% margin among all registered voters."

Another GOP Senator Speaks Out Against Palin

From the Reno Gazette Journal:

"...Republican Sen. John Ensign says Sarah Palin is not experienced enough to be president and John McCain’s presidential campaign “completely mishandled” her early days on the ticket.

 Earlier in the interview, Ensign criticized the way Palin, a first-term Alaska governor, was introduced to voters. In her first weeks on the stump, Palin became viewed as “just an empty suit” because she spent too much time repeating the same speech, Ensign said..."

AMERICAblog News| A great nation deserves the truth

Democratic National Committee

Oliver Willis